Health & Education
A lot of projects in this sector look for a single platform for the entire project
Design review on track
Implementing an ADDDED247 will help you save on time that you could have wasted trying to follow the manual steps.
Platform to manage data
The fact that the education projects involves many organizations, an extensive network of people, and many documents and mails. You need an ADDDED247 platform to manage all this data efficiently.
Information is the key
An ADDDED247 ensures that the right information reaches the right people conveniently. The ability for an ADDDED247 to keep track of who sees a particular document at a given time is excellent and will ensure that everyone gets sufficient information.
Best in supporting the information flow
Being informed and accountable is a milestone in all that happens in the companies. An ADDDED247 will support the intricate information flows. It also helps in supporting all kinds of reviews and the approvals that will be necessary for meeting all the project timelines.
Every workflow is accountable
An ADDDED247 is a smooth process that will eliminate cases of skipped steps and any missed milestones across the team. You will initiate this by agreeing on review and workflow steps before implementing an ADDDEDE247.
No risk
Improving accuracy while you are in the initial stages of any project will mitigate all the risk cases! It is be useful when you can control all the Operations and any maintenance in all that you will do.
The steps for better processes
Process the RFIs faster
Implementing an ADDDED247 platform will standardize the RFI process hence allowing for faster response times, trends, and tracking status that reports through a visual dashboard.
A concise and straightforward method of bidding
Embrace an electronic process that simplifies your bidding process. The traditional ways of gathering the bids via email are just old fashioned, and you can enjoy an automated process that eliminates the last-minute rush. Importantly, the process is compatible with any file format.
Electronic control of documents
An ADDDED247 will track all the subsequent versions so that you don’t work with an outdated design. It also updates all the drawings and documents
An efficient way to communicate with stakeholders
The ADDDED247 has an inbuilt mail that will keep all the stakeholders abreast of everything that is happening with no worries of deleting or misplacing any message.
Easy to retrieve
To access data quickly, you will need an ADDED247!
Convenient in-built data compliance
The ADDDED247 is effective in building electronic copies that meets the compliance requirements. All it does is to tag all the documents, drawings, etc. allowing an effective way to share them with auditors.
The benefits of ADDDED247
Quick delivery
With an ADDDED247, projects now take the shortest time, unlike in the recent days where it used to take lots of time.
The process of claim handling is greatly simplified
When everything is working on a correct version of the project design, all the cases of future disputes are mitigated. There will be no cases of missed change orders and any future conflicts.
Easy facility handover
Once all the drawings and other documents have been successfully uploaded on an ADDDED247 platform, you can tag the handover documents to use on project completion.
Best security
ADDDED247 is a secure process that conforms to the world-class highest security standards with regular external audits.